Take a look at my process behind creating the logo and colour scheme for this page

We’re all experiencing information overload daily. That’s why I wanted the Pareto Principle to underlie everything I publish on this page.


The Pareto Principle states that 20 percent of your activities will account for 80 percent of your results, or 80 percent of outcomes result from 20 percent of all causes.

Pretty powerful.

In my work, I’d like to focus on the 20 percent, the ‘vital few‘. First, it helps me prioritise. Second, it provides boundaries for conveying information efficiently.

I want to translate that into writing about the world of data.


‘eighty20’ part of the logo relates to the Pareto principle. ‘eighty’ is spelt out and contrasts with the short numeric ‘20‘. This difference in length is purposeful, it resembles ‘the vital few‘ and ‘the trivial many’. You’ll also notice a highlight behind ‘20‘ which provides a focal point.

For logo creation, I used Adobe Illustrator, which is my preferred vector graphics editor.



For me, readability was the most important factor. Also, I was going for neutral, simple and contemporary.

Take a look at all the fonts I tried before sticking to Aktiv Grotesk. It’s modern but not overpowering - I truly hope you won’t think about it beyond this post.

Also, it supports over 130 languages and comes in many weights. ‘Bold’ worked just fine for the logo and ‘Regular‘ is perfect for posts.



I wanted to keep a neutral colour scheme which is predominantly black&white.

However, when playing around with the logo design, I used neon green to act as a highlighter. I think it just worked, and I wanted to incorporate more of this colour in the rest of the artwork to create a consistent identity.

Greys and beiges act as neutrals by toning neon green down.

I used coolors.co to create the palette. It’s a great tool that allows you to easily generate your own colour schemes.


Behind the scenes - Artwork